
Tactical Fitness

Tactical fitness is the ability to perform personal survival-related skills such as running, rucking, swimming, buddy rescue, climbing, jumping, and equipment carry, which require full-body strength, muscle coordination, stamina, speed, agility, and cardiovascular conditioning. Tactical Fitness primarily applies and refers to the type of fitness needed to assist active duty military, law enforcement, firefighters, and other first responders to consistently perform the wide range of tasks they are called upon to accomplish on a daily basis. However, it also applies to those seeking a position within the first responder professions. Tactical Fitness also applies to everyone who wants to be in better condition to survive. Whether it is surviving natural disasters or rescuing your family from a burning home before firefighters and paramedics arrive, Tactical Fitness is the difference between life and death in these circumstances.

Are you fit enough to save yourself or your family from dangerous situations? Many of those in the business of defending our country and our communities are required to know how to correctly prepare their workouts to best suit the needs of their demanding schedules and jobs. For those not in the military, police, or fire fighter professions, just having the ability to save themselves or rescue family members from situations requiring endurance, strength and physical discipline (such as carrying, dragging, or swimming with them out of danger) is reason enough to train in a certain manner and to a certain standard.

At Centric Athletics, all of our Tactical Fitness Instructors are former Tier Level military special operations personnel, and/or Law Enforcement Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) team members. Let our Tactical Fitness coaches program your next workout and train alongside those who have been a part of and trained some of our country’s most elite forces. Let us share our experiences with you so you don’t have to share our scars.